Weight Watchers Blue Vs Purple Vs Green
Are you wanting to follow the new Weight Watchers Personal Points program, but need some more information before you sign up? Then read on!
The new WW plan, PersonalPoints, is launching in November 2021 and is the most personally tailored plan that Weight Watchers has ever offered its members ... and I'm very excited!
The Point system (that is already loved by Weight Watchers old & new) will continue, but PersonalPoints will be individually tailored to you in a way that WW has never done before.
An exciting addition to the PersonalPoints plan is that you will be able to earn extra PersonalPoints by adopting healthier habits - like being active (be that jogging, dancing, walking the dog or chasing after your children!), by drinking more water or by snacking on non starchy vegetables.
So want to learn more? Then read on!

The New WW plan?
The new WW PersonalPoints plan comes into effect in November 2021. For a more comprehensive look take a look at The New WW Personal Points Plan or continue if you just want the basics for now.
As people who have previously followed a Weight Watchers plan will probably know, WW tends to change its plan every couple of years to keep up to date with the changing scientific knowledge on healthy eating etc.
Most years there is a small change to the plan, but every couple of years there is a big overhaul to the program .... and the PersonalPoints plan is one of those!
Rest assured, whatever changes WW have made to their program, it will have been guided by the latest nutritional research & science. Nutritional science is always advancing ... and so is Weight Watchers!
What are WW PersonalPoints?
The new WW PersonalPoints plan is tailored to the individual. Each member will have their Point budget customised to their particular tastes.
Member will be given a Point budget to use on the foods that they love plus they will be given a list of Zero Point foods that they can use how they want.
Calories (kilojoules) will continue to be an important factor in the Point value of a food but it's not just calories, it is so much more than that.
The Points value of each food is now worked out on a combination of nutritional factors such as how much fibre a food includes, the saturated and unsaturated fat content and how much added sugar it contains.
Basically, foods that contain higher amounts of protein, healthy fats and fibre and that are lower in saturated fats and sugars will work out as lower in PersonalPoints!
Foods with little or no fibre or protein but which are high in added sugars and unhealthy fats will be higher in Points.
How many PersonalPoints will I be given?
The amount of PersonalPoints that you will be allocated will be very unique to you - this is because you are super unique! Remember that ☺️
When signing up to Weight Watchers for the first time, or when switching over from the old myWW plan to the new PersonalPoints plan, you will be asked to answer a series of questions that will determine a little more about your current lifestyle.
The answers that you give to these questions will determine the amount of PersonalPoints that you will be allocated. You can use these points on all the foods that you love.
But bear in mind that foods with high added sugars and unhealthy fats will have much higher Point values.
This is WW way of 'nudging' you towards picking a healthier alternative.
Of course, that is not to say that you can't have that donut you crave - it just means that it will cost you more points and therefore you will need to adapt the food consume for the rest of the day to balance this out!
What Zero Point foods are available on the WW PersonalPoint plan?
Like your PersonalPoints allocation, your Zero Point food list will be customised to your tastes & those foods that you can't quite live without. There are foods such as brown rice, wholewheat pasta, almonds, avocado and eggs that are on people's Zero Point list that may not have been on previous plans.
How do I earn PersonalPoints?
So, with the WW new PersonalPoints plan, members will be able to earn PersonalPoints! Not so many that you will eat more than you can loose, but enough that you can balance a healthy lifestyle with a healthy appetite!
So, you can earn Personal Points by being more active - be that dancing around your living room, running after your children or going for a 5km jog!
You can also gain Personal Points by drinking more water or by choosing non starchy vegetables to snack on!
It's a win, win situation really!
For more information on the new PersonalPoints plan, sign up for Weight Watchers on their website if you haven't already. The new Weight Watchers PersonalPoints plan is currently rolling out and will available to all WW from November 2021.
The information below provides the basics of the old 'myWW™️' program, also known as the Green, Blue and Purple plans! Although the WW program has now changed to the 'PersonalPoints™️' plan, some people may still want information on the old plans, so I have included it here.
The Old myWW plan (Blue, Green & Purple)!
In November 2019 WW (formerly Weight Watchers) launched its progam to the myWW plans.
Following on from the success of the Freestyle program, WW looked at what was working well with that plan and developed it so that there are now 3 separate plans under one umbrella program.
They have called this program myWW.
WW recognise that people are different and therefore their needs are different! This is especially true when people are trying to lose weight and are trying to keep to a healthy eating plan.
You can see these differences in action if you join any of the WW Facebook groups.
When there was just the one plan, there was often 'lively' discussions between people about how SmartPoints should or shouldn't be eaten. What is good for one person is not necessarily good for another! It leads to some 'interesting' discussion!
So WW now recognise that people are different and for the first time ever are offering more than one way to follow their program.
There are now 3 individual plans that you can follow whilst being on the WW program. The Blue plan (same as Freestyle plan), the Purple plan & the Green plan.
All the plans use the SmartPoint system.
So What are SmartPoints?
Like the Freestyle program, the myWW program uses the SmartPoint system.
SmartPoints are calculated by using the calorie content, protein content, saturated fat content and sugar content of foods.
Foods with more protein and less sugar and saturated fat are going to have a lower SmartPoint value than foods with little protein and high sugar and fat!
The SmartPoints system is just a really simple way of guiding you towards making healthier food choices.
The myWW basics?

So when you join WW online or go along to a local WW workshop, you will be given an allocation of SmartPoints (personalised for you based on your weight, height, sex, age etc).
This SmartPoint allocation can be used on any foods that you like.
You are given a SmartPoint allowance to use daily and you are also given a weekly SmartPoint allowance that can be used throughout the week (known as weeklies) to top up your daily allocation.
Alternatively, you can use your weeklies in one go, so if you like to go out for meals or like a few drinks at the weekend you can use your weeklies then!
You will also be given a list of 'ZeroPoint' foods that you can eat without needing to dip into your SmartPoint allocation. These Zero Point foods don't need to be measured or tracked.
Your SmartPoint allocation and the list of ZeroPoint foods that you can choose from will change with the plan that you decide to follow.
If you want a bigger list of ZeroPoint foods, you may want to choose the Purple plan.
If you want a larger number of SmartPoints you may want to follow the Green plan.
If you want a good mix of the two, you may want to follow the Blue plan.
It is possible to swap between the plans, but WW suggest that you give it 2 weeks before you change to a different plan.
The WW Green plan
On the myWW Green plan you are offered a small list of foods that are Zero SmartPoints (including non starchy vegetables and a good selection of fruits).
You are allocated a larger amount of SmartPoints than any of the other plans. You can use these SmartPoints on any of your favourite foods - there are no 'banned' foods.
For a more detailed look at this plan take a look at 'The Weight Watchers Green Plan'.
The WW Blue plan
If you have been following WW for the last few years, you will be familiar with the myWW Blue plan as it is basically the same as the Freestyle plan.
You are given an adequate SmartPoints budget that you can 'spend' on any foods you like.
You are also given a list of over 200 Zero Point foods including fruits, vegetables and lean proteins that you can use to build your meals around.
For a more detailed look at this plan take a look at 'The Weight Watchers Blue Plan'.
The WW Purple plan
People following the Purple plan are given a list of over 300 Zero Point foods to base their meals around. These include fruit, vegetables, lean proteins and some pastas, rices and grains.
If you follow the Purple plan you will be allocated a smaller amount of SmartPoints than any of the other plans.
For a more detailed look at this plan take a look at 'The Weight Watchers Purple plan'.
Can I swap between Weight Watchers plans?
It is possible to swap between the myWW plans, but WW suggest that you give it 2 weeks before you change to a different plan.
If you have been following the Freestyle program and are unsure about the new myWW plans, just follow the myWW Blue plan as it is exactly the same as the Freestyle plan!
So Which Weight Watchers plan is the best?
It is impossible to say which myWW plan is the best!
That all depends on you! What is the best plan for one person will not necessarily be the best for someone else.
If you are happy to build your meals around the Zero Point foods, you may be happier with following the Purple plan.
If you would like more SmartPoints to use on your favorite foods (that aren't on the Zero Point list) then you may prefer the Green plan.
The Blue plan gives you the best of both worlds!!
You can read more in this post 'What is the best Weight Watchers Plan (for me)'.
Can you 'rollover' SmartPoints?
If you don't eat all of your daily SmartPoints one day they will 'rollover' and be added to your weeklies. You are only able to rollover 4 SmartPoints per day.
Does Weight Watchers really work?
Yes! Next question 😀
Seriously though, Weight Watchers (WW) does work. It has been running successfully since the 1960's and has helped many, many people lose weight and adopt healthier, happier lifestyles.
Unlike some of the fad diets that are about, no food is off limits. It teaches you how to make healthy, informed choices about what you eat.
Since being on my WW journey, I have very seldom felt like I have been on a 'diet'. I still eat pizza, I still eat dessert, I just now know moderation and what to do to offset that pizza and dessert so I'm not putting on weight.
If you are still umming and ahhing about starting the WW plan, why not just give it a go. Try it for a month or even a couple of weeks and see what you think. I'm betting that you will see results 😀
To find your nearest WW workshop or to sign up to WW online visit Weight Watchers official page. If you are in the UK you can visit the Weight Watchers UK site here.
Can you eat too many zero point foods on Weight Watchers?
Yes! In my opinion (& experience) it is possible to overeat Zero Point foods.
Zero Point foods don't have to be tracked or measured as they are generally foods that will fill you up and are less likely to be over eaten.
However, in my experience (& from others that I have spoken to) it is possible to overeat Zero Point foods.
Yes, you may still lose weight if you eat loads of fruit and yogurt etc but maybe it will take a little longer than if you eat Zero Point foods more sensibly.
Good examples of this are these Spiced Chickpeas and this Fluff .
They are Zero SmartPoint on the myWW Blue plan & myWW Purple plan. Although technically you do not need to track them, eating multiple servings of them during the day would probably not be sensible if you want a consistent weight loss!
What foods should you not eat on Weight Watchers?
Technically, you can eat any food on the WW programs.
No foods are off limits.
You just need to work out their SmartPoints values and work them into your daily or weekly budget.
So how do these changes affect the Pointed Kitchen recipes?
So, it is a mammoth task to add the SmartPoint calculations for the myWW Purple plan and myWW Green plan to all of the recipes on Pointed Kitchen.
If you are following the myWW Blue plan, you are sorted as the SmartPoint values are the same as they were when WW were doing the Freestyle plan.
I am working through adding the myWW Purple plan values and the myWW Green plan values.
Weight Watchers Blue Vs Purple Vs Green
Source: https://pointedkitchen.com/what-is-the-new-weight-watchers-plan/
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